Expanding Rural Reach

Discover the areas served by Rural Electrification Associations and see the connection they have to their rural community and power distribution.


Network Coverage to Serve Rural Alberta Better

Rural Electrification Associations are committed to providing reliable power distribution services to rural Alberta. Reliable service ensures that even the most remote REA member has access to electricity. REAs constantly strive to serve rural Alberta better.

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Experience the Power of Rural Electrification

AFREA Member Associations can stay connected and informed with programs and services provided by the AFREA.

To Get Information on your REA please visit our Directory or Download the REA Contact List Below

Discover if our network reaches your area and inquire about our services.

Common Questions

Find answers to common questions about REA power distribution and service.

Step One:  Reset Main Breaker

The power loss may be caused by a tripped circuit breaker. Simply reset the main breaker in your electrical panel, either located in your home or on your property’s transformer pole.


Step Two: Check the Outage List
You will need to check an online outage list for your respective REA. You can do so by checking an “app” on your phone or tablet or by visiting a website –your REA or its Wire Services Provider (WSP) may have both apps and websites that report outages. 


Step Three: Call your REA or its WSP to report your outage. 

The more details you can provide your system operator the better.

If you experience any issues with your electricity, please contact your REA or its WSP directly.

To contact your REA, visit our member directory page or download the copy of our REA contact list. Your REA will have either a website with contact information and or an email address you can use to get more information.

Some Of Our Great Co-Op Members