Who We Are

The Mission of the AFREA is to create the conditions for Power Distribution Co-ops to be successful and sustainable, and to support Power Distribution Co-ops in becoming best practice cooperative organizations.

About Our Association

The Alberta Federation of REAs (AFREA) is a not-for-profit cooperative association registered in the Province of Alberta and recognized under the Rural Utilities Act. The AFREA is governed by an elected Board of Directors, managed by a Chief Executive Officer, and funded by its member associations.


In June 1987, the AFREA took on its current name, but was first known as the Alberta Union of REAs, which was formed in 1950. The AFREA was originally incorporated under the “Co-operative Associations Act” in June of 1970 as the Alberta Union of Rural Electrification Associations Co-operative Limited.


Rural Electrification Associations (REAs) are an important part of Alberta’s history and future, providing rural communities with power distribution services. REAs operate under the cooperative business model and are mainly legislated by the Rural Utilities Act and its Regulations. In the fall of 2022, government responsibility for REAs was moved from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry to the newly created Ministry of Affordability & Utilities.

The AFREA represents member associations that provide power distribution services throughout rural Alberta. The AFREA is committed to supporting the economic welfare and value of its cooperative member associations by providing professional leadership with representation to government and industry stakeholders by promoting REAs and rural strength. As the umbrella organization, the AFREA represents, engages, and advocates for opportunities that are economically beneficial for its member associations. Under the cooperative business model, each REA is autonomous and self-sufficient; their elected board provides regulatory oversight in setting their own rates and managing their own business of providing safe, reliable, and affordable essential power distribution services to their members.  


The AFREA works with its member associations to identify their needs, seeks their participation and input, and provides the tools necessary for becoming a best practice cooperative business. The AFREA recognizes and appreciates the diversity within our member associations. The overarching principle of cooperatives is “working together,” which benefits the whole REA family. Our big picture sees a vibrant and rewarding future for REAs in a strong rural Alberta economy.


Why Choose the AFREA

Our Member Associations are part of a dynamic cooperative community that empowers them with representation, engagement, and advocacy, fueling their success in a rapidly evolving industry.


We stand as your voice, providing effective representation to ensure your cooperative's interests are heard and protected at all levels of the industry and government.


We actively partcipate in a vibrant cooperative network, where you can collaborate, learn, and shape the future of the industry alongside like-minded professionals.


We tirelessly champion policies and initiatives that advance the cooperative movement and power industry, fostering a favourable environment for cooperative businesses to thrive.


Alberta is the only province in Canada with REAs!

2024 AFREA Board of Directors

Charles Newell

Charles Newell represents District 6 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member North Parkland Power REA. Charles is the president of the North Parkland Power REA board.


1st Vice-President
Executive election to take place at Organizational Meeting, Thursday, February 13th after AGM.

Bob Bryant

2nd Vice-President
Bob Bryant represents District 1 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member Blue Mountain Power Co-op (Rocky REA). He is a director on the Blue Mountain Power Co-op board.

Dino Wylie

District 4
Dino Wylie represents District 4 on the AFREA Board as District Director for members Drayton Valley, Lindale, and Tomahawk REA. Dino is president of Lindale REA.

Dannie Fischer

District 5
Dannie Fischer represents District 5 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member REAs Duffield, Mayerthorpe & District, Niton, and Stony Plain. Dannie is the president of Mayerthorpe & District REA.

Wayne Meyers

District 7
Wayne Meyers represents District 7 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member REAs Ermineskin and West Liberty. Wayne is a director on the West Liberty REA board.

Dan Bunbury

District 8
Dan Bunbury represents District 8 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member REAs Beaver, Fenn, Kneehill, and Sterling. Dan is a director on the Beaver REA board.

Marcel Berard

District 10
Marcel Berard represents District 10 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member REAs Braes, Borradaile, Claysmore, Devonia, and Willingdon. Marcel is a director on the Borradaile REA board.

Ed Pimm

District 11
Ed Pimm represents District 11 on the AFREA Board as District Director for member REAs Heart River and MacKenzie. Ed is a director on the MacKenzie board.

2025 AFREA CEO and Staff

Steven Young

Steven Young joins the AFREA January 27th for orientation to take the leadership job of Chief Executive Officer, replacing retiring Al Nagel, April 2025. Steven Young, B.Ed., MBA, PMP, ICD.D, is a consultant, strategic advisor, and executive coach who has successfully guided companies and individuals through organizational change. A retired Staff Sergeant after 20 years of policing, Steven entered politics and served as a member of the Alberta Legislature as Chief Government Whip. Steven’s understanding across police, politics, government, and business provides a wide-spread and unique perspective on how to deliver value to the customer.

Al Nagel

After 17 years with the AFREA, Al Nagel will be retiring in April 2025. Al Nagel spent 39 years with Canadian Utilities, Alberta Power, and ATCO Electric, working as a lineman, senior serviceman, assistant district manager, operations superintendent, and maintenance superintendent. He held the position of operations administrative superintendent at Battle River REA for two years before joining the AFREA in 2008.

Todd Grayson

Technical Coordinator
Todd Grayson joined the AFREA in August 2015 bringing his industry experience and familiarity with REAs to the position of Technical Coordinator. One of his major job responsibilities includes the AFREA and REA insurance plan coordination.

Linda Pedley

Business Management Coordinator
Linda Pedley has worked for the AFREA since 2008 as Business Management Coordinator. The Business Management System includes components such as Board Governnance, HR, Health & Safety, Business Continuity Management, strategic and business planning.

Gillian White

Executive Assistant
Gillian White is the newest member of the AFREA Team who brings years of valuable experience with her. Gillian was hired (May 2022) as Executive Assistant with duties including job responsibilities under Office Administration and Program Administrator. Gillian is full time reporting directly to the CEO.